Willingham Wolves U9 Black

Willingham Wolves U9 Black

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Pos Player Name Appearances Yellow Cards Red Cards Second Yellow Card Started Bench Used Captain Player Of Match
1 Awecki, Louis 3
2 Blount, Henry 4
3 Bowers, Alfie 3
4 Brittain, James 9
5 Brownridge, Matty 6
6 Dunham, Henry 9
7 Miall, Harry 7
8 Patel, Buddy 3
9 Pires, Diogo 9
10 Sandall, Luke 1
11 Valente, Fiorello 9

Team Season

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Date Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form

Team Season Totals

All Results

Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form


Carrow Aves

Louis Awecki

Henry Blount

Alfie Bowers

James Brittain

Matty Brownridge

Henry Dunham

Theo Madderalallage

Harry Miall

Buddy Patel

Laurence Pettit

Diogo Pires

Luke Sandall

Charlie Shaw

Fiorello Valente

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